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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Las Vegas Medical Jobs

Job seekers in Las Vegas have not had a lot of luck as of late, with the city's unemployment rate consistently increasing and the gaming industry, one of the area's most prominent, continuing to decline. However, there are other alternatives if you're looking for work, such as the many Las Vegas medical jobs that are available.

Even though the Las Vegas-Paradise area managed to add 9,600 jobs during September, the area saw a 6.2 percent decrease in employment when compared to last year, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In addition, the area's unemployment rate increased from 13.4 percent to 13.9 percent, which was much higher than the national unemployment rate at the time of 9.8 percent.

However, the Las Vegas area's healthcare industry has continued to add jobs. The education and health services industry employed 69,600 workers during September, which is up from 68,100 workers during August and a 4.2 percent increase from last year.

According to the Nevada Workforce Informer, Clark County's education and health services industry is ranked fourth in terms of high wage industries.

In fact, seven of the top 10 high wage occupations in Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, are healthcare-related. These positions and their average annual salaries include:

As far as where you should apply, Las Vegas is home to a long list of hospitals. Some of the more prominent hospitals include: Desert Springs, Desert Willow Treatment Center, Harmon Medical and Rehabilitation, Healthsouth, Horizon Specialty, Kindred, Mountain View, Nevada Cancer Institute, Progressive, Rawson-Neal, Souther Hills, Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, Spring Mountain Treatment Center, Spring Valley, St. Rose Dominican, Summerlin, Sunrise, University Medical Center, Valley and Vegas Valley Rehabilitation.


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