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Thursday, December 17, 2009


St Louis Tech Jobs Gain Support

A new initiative will help create St Louis tech jobs and positions throughout the state.

Gov. Jay Nixon recently introduced the Missouri Science and Innovation Reinvestment Act, a new initiative that will help create stable, ongoing funding to attract and retain high-tech scientific and research jobs throughout Missouri.

The MOSIRA is part of the Governor's Missouri First Initiative, a comprehensive legislative proposal meant to put Missouri residents back to work, educate them for the careers of tomorrow and harness innovation and technology to revolutionize government and business.

"We face tremendous opportunities to transform our economy for the 21st century, and it is vital that we not only bolster our existing high-tech and innovative employers, but also bring more of these cutting edge companies and their 21st century jobs to our state," Nixon said.

"MOSIRA will help us capitalize on the growth of our existing science and technology companies to reinvest in generating further economic growth in the science and innovation industry sectors, which will be crucial to our future Missouri economy," he continued.

In essence, MOSIRA will take a small percentage of state revenue growth from a group of science and innovation companies and use that money to create a funding source to spark growth in research and technology enterprises.

That funding will then be transferred to the Missouri Technology Investment Fund and administered by the Missouri Technology Corporation.

Funding priority will be given to programs designed to:


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