Are family therapist jobs (
Click here) going virtual?
Volunteer Behavioral Health Care System recently launched
MyRecovery, a social networking site aimed at virtually helping people who would normally
see a therapist in person. Such a site could open the door to more therapy services being offered online, changing the role of family and other therapists.
MyRecovery was developed in and effort to offer more therapy options to patients who live in rural communities throughout Tennessee, where VBHCS is located. The site is being funded by a grant from the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
MyRecovery is specifically aimed at supporting people who are recovering from addiction and other disorders. Through the site's e-therapy program, users will be able to interact with their peers through private and group chats, blogs, and personal profiles.
"We incorporate three evidence-based models to increase engagement into services, offer hope in recovery and provide recovery skills via web-based chat rooms and blogs," VBHCS notes. "Using Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change Model as well as peer-to-peer recovery concepts, the program model is grounded in strong practice strategies that will ensure positive outcomes for those being served."
Initially, MyRecovery will only be available to patients who are discharged from VBHCS's New Leaf Recovery Program. However, the organization plans to open the site to more people during the next few years.
In addition, MyRecovery will act as a screening tool for patients who may have certain disorders. This will help lighten the load at New Leaf Recovery Center, where more than 150 people are typically on the waiting list for therapy services.
Labels: Family therapist jobs